Baldwin County E-911 & EOC
Located in a light industrial area 4 Miles from downtown Robertsdale, the new Baldwin County E-911 EOC (Emergency Operations Center) is a secure and hardened facility where public officials and first responder representatives safely make decisions and coordinate emergency operations in times of an emergency event. This 22,800 sf facility includes spaces for the Director, administrative offices, GIS mapping, meeting, boardroom and conference rooms, a 20 station dispatch call center for City Police, City Fire, County Sheriff, County Fire & EMS, server room, IT staff offices and work room. The facility has a large training area, kitchen, dining area, overnight bunking amenities; shower, locker & laundry, break and exercise areas, with protected exterior mechanical. All Building Systems are considered redundant with standby power served by two 300 Kw 1,000-Gal diesel standby generators and protected mechanical equipment yard. Owner: Baldwin County E-911 Board Location: Robertsdale, Alabama Completion: 2019 |